ports mid term review in bari

25 July 2019
Ports mid-term review meeting: state of work

A positive feedback was issued by the Technical Secretariat for the “PORTS - Partnership for the study and Observation of New Routes and Transnational Sea Highways" project : a demonstration that confirms the commitment of the whole partnership in meeting the program expectations on the project activities.

The evaluation has been received on July 18th after the conclusion of the Mid-term review meeting of the project financed by the INTERREG Italy Albania Montenegro Programme. During the meeting, the Lead Partner, ITS LOGISTICA PUGLIA has presented the state of financial and activities progress at the presence of the Puglia Region (Joint Secretariat) and Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin partners.

Two of the three project outputs were officially presented: the "Needs analysis for cross border accessibility ", which tracks the state of art of cross-border infrastructures and investments in order to improve maritime transport in the area, and the "Mathematical Model" which will allow partners, policy-makers and the scientific community to analyze the economic and social impact of new routes between the main ports and logistics hubs of the three countries.