
PORTS PLUS_capitalization achievements

This document describes the WP T1 - Capacity building on "Green Ports" and on the Safety and Security in port areas until the end of June 2023. In particular, in this document, the six public events held in Brindisi (Italy), Durres (Albania), Taranto (Italy) and Kotor (Montenegro) are described .
The total number of participants reached during the conferences is 383, among: Local Public Authority, Regional Public Authority, National Public Authority, Infrastructure and (public) service Provider, Higher education and research, education/ training centre and school, SME, Business support organisation and General Public.
The conferences provided useful information about the logistic and scientific issues, involved local stakeholders, and included relevant communication activities in order to reach a wider public in the Programme area.

-    Survey on cross border accessibility

The in depth SWOT analysis will describe the state of the art regarding sea highways and routes between the Jonian and the Adriatic Sea; the analysis also took into into account stakeholders’ needs for improving cross border accessibility and their needs in terms of public investments, as well the new skills required by the market

-    Mathematical transport model

Multimodal transport network chart that shows possible connections for the different mode of transport between origins and destinations. The chart shows also calculation of time, cost, performance, security, eternality. The OD matrices show modes for transport at present and for the future; future demand forecast, based on different trend models, as macroeconomic models; transport network performance; forecasts of aggregate travel costs and benefits.

-    Online capacity building for strategic management of ports

Professional and professors produced a training webinar focused on strategic port management. The webinar is available online, and accessible via a general-purpose platform as well as via an online learning platform with additional functions.

  • Module #1
    Pillar 1 Green Port - Energy efficiency and planning
    [PP4 - Albanian Institute of Transport]
  • Module #2
    Pillar 1 Green Port - Waste management system in the port of Taranto
    [PP6 Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea]
  • Module #3
    Pillar 2 Port Safety & Security - Port Facility Security Plan (Kotor, Durres and Taranto)
    [LP – ITS Logistica Puglia]
  • Module #4
    Pillar 2 Port Safety & Security - The Mathematic model of PORTS Project
    [PP3 - Polytechnic of Bari]
  • Module #5
    Pillar 2 Port Safety & Security - EU Regulation and international agreements in port safety domain
    [PP5 - University of Montenegro]