ports on the dan

04 December 2019
Project PORTS was highlighted on the national Montenegrin press

Project PORTS was highlighted on the DAN, the national Montenegrin press, with an interview from Maja Škurić, project senior researcher from the University of Montenegro. 

In order to facilitate the reading of her statements from the newspaper page, enclosed in Cyrillic, it is hereby proposed the translation of it in English.

Download the newspaper page

“Project “PORTS” is one of the granted project within the trilateral IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro programme that started on 15th March 2018. The project will end in June 2020. The Lead Partner in the project is ITS Logistica Puglia, while the other partners are: Programma Sviluppo, Polytechnic of Bari, Albanian Institute of Transport, Port System Authority of Ionian Sea from Taranto, and the University of Montenegro (Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor) and Port of Kotor AD (associate partner) from Montenegro”, explained Maja Škurić from the Center for International Relations at the University of Montenegro.

The main objective of the project is studying the transnational sea-highways that can be implemented in the future period between Puglia region in Italy, Albania and Montenegro. The project focuses on the ports of Taranto, Durres and Kotor available for the freight and passenger transport (Taranto and Durres) and only passenger (Kotor) maritime transport.

“Throughout the Study delivered by the Albanian Institute of Transport, we observe the possibility to develop a liner maritime service between the mentioned ports”. Škurić also reminded about the upcoming activities in the project that will be related to the definition and formulation of mathematical transport model as the one of the project outputs.

“Finally, in cooperation with the Port System Authority of Ionian Sea from Taranto, we will participate in the organization of the webinar as it was previously defined during the 3rd Steering Committee meeting held in Podgorica on 29th October 2019”, concluded Škurić.